Dear Friends,
In light of recent concerns about the rights of all people with every type of disability to live, work and receive services with respect for personal values and life journey, ILR today affirms its commitment to the value of advocating for consumers, staff and volunteers to promote and amplify the fundamental values of the Philosophy of the Independent Living Movement.
We share with you again today:
Independent Living Resources and DEI Call to Action
As a Center for Independent Living (CIL), Independent Living Resources (ILR) strives to advance human rights for the entire community of persons with disabilities.
- It is the mission of the Agency to promote the philosophy of independent living by creating opportunities, encouraging choices, advancing equal access, and furthering the level of independence for all people with disabilities. We value personal growth and self- determination. ILR aims to provide a supportive and encouraging environment for every stage of life.
- It is the philosophy of the Agency to encourage employment of individuals with disabilities and, therefore, the Agency actively seeks qualified individuals with disabilities when positions become available.
To this end, we believe it is important to acknowledge and honor who people are, so that we can create an environment where everyone feels that they belong. We are dedicated to addressing our consumers’ overlapping or intersecting social identities. We acknowledge that Identities such as cultural identity, race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, and health status do not and cannot exist separately from disability. We know that it is not enough to just declare that we are inclusive of everyone. Our work to create a more welcoming, safe, and culturally inclusive organization is ongoing.
Thank you for supporting our work!
Barry Fox-Quamme, ILR Executive Director Amy Rear, ILR Board President